Worthington Adventist® Academy

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6


Worthington Adventist Academy


Registration Fee  $180.00.

  •  If paid by March 22, 2024, please deduct $50 from the registration fee.
  • Registration fees for families with multiple children is capped at $300.

Tuition Rate:   $6,100.00 per student
In addition, the school offers the following discounts:

  • Prepaid Tuition (paid in full by August 21, 2024) deduct 5% ($305.00)

Tuition is typically paid over a 10 month period, August to May.  If the tuition is prepaid in full, the student will receive a 5% discount.

The school board, faculty and administration make every effort possible to operate our school efficiently so that we can provide quality Christian education at a minimal cost.  Without costs subsidized by the Ohio Conference, the expense per child would be thousands more per year.  We recognize that, although tuition costs are as low as possible, the price is daunting for many families.  Your local church or other organization may have Tuition Assistance, Scholarships, or Worthy Student Funds that your family may qualify for.  We encourage you to explore this option. 



The Educational Choice (EdChoice) Scholarship Program is a program through the Ohio Department of Education that offers students in grades K–12 the opportunity to attend a private school for little or no cost. Students from designated public schools qualify for these scholarships.

The EdChoice Expansion Program is an income-based program. It provides students in grades K – 12 the opportunity to attend a private school for little or no cost whose families meet the Federal Poverty Guidelines. This program is only open to students who do not qualify for the Educational Choice Scholarship.

To find out if you are eligible to participate in the EdChoice Scholarship Program, please click here.


Related Information

Forms and Admission Administration of Medication Form Admission and Registration Information Calendar Handout Handbook